Mooring Lines

Forsheda Mooring Compensators:

You know when you are tied up to the Rottnest Island fuel jetty pens for the night and the easterly wind comes howling in at 3 am? Your berthing lines start to jar and jerk and you get thrown from your bunk?

I’ve been caught this way before and it’s one of those experiences every new boatie is bound to come up against.

Well, we are now the Australian agent for a fantastic device which has been around for years overseas and will solve this and many other problems associated with mooring, and is environmentally friendly:

The Forsheda Compensator:
Designed to take the shock out of berthing!

The Forsheda is a patented rubber device through which you thread your mooring lines. As your boat takes up the slack on a morring or pen line, the Forsheda stretches and stops the snatching of the line against the boat and jetty.

Different sized Forsheda Mooring Compensators cater for different sized boats and lines. You can even put two in the line to give extra stretch!

Great, also, for puting into your dinghy tow line to reduce the possibility of pulling the cleat off the deck of either boat.

I am now using them on all the pens at Aquarama Marina because, besides the protection they afford, they are environmentally friendly. By using the Forsheda system you no longer need to muck around with the old concrete weights, chains, thimbles, and shackles. All of this gear ends up rusting and dropping to the river or marina bed. I find concrete ends up wearing away the timber on the marina pylons, or chips the paint on the jetty beams we have just spent thousands of dollars rustproofing.

I have been using these Forsheda Mooring Compensators for years now, and really have no idea how long they will last! They just don’t seem to break!

The best thing is that if you do shift pens to another marina, or because you buy a bigger or smaller boat, you can easily remove your pen lines in minutes and take them with you.

To purchase or enquire, just phone 93395666 or click here and fill Contact us form